Ticket Questions
No. All tickets purchased are for one person’s use only. Anyone with a reused wristband will be refused entry into the show.
No. We don’t sell star-specific tickets. If you purchased a photo op with a star who has to cancel you will be refunded for the photo op you purchased.
No. VIP tickets are for the VIP ticket holder only.
Children 10 years old and under are admitted free with a paying adult and proof of age. Children 11 years and older do require a ticket.
Yes. You need an admission ticket to enter the show. The photo op ticket is only for a photo with a star, it does not grant you admission to the show.
Yes until we reach capacity at the event. We highly encourage you to purchase your tickets in advance to ensure you get one before any sell out occurs as well as save some money as ticket prices are higher at the door.
Autograph Questions
Yes, you can bring your own items from home as long as they are not considered a weapon. Celebrities usually have photos at their table to sign as an option.
Whenever not in the Pro Photo Op room or on a break, stars will be at their individual tables in the Autograph Hall during show hours.
Please keep in mind the stars do take short breaks and also meal breaks. Also keep in mind that they will be doing Pro Photo Ops away from their autograph tables. Sometimes due to flight schedules they may arrive late and/or leave early.
No, the stars are only In Costume for their Pro Photo Ops. *Only certain stars participate in “in costume” photo ops.
There are no advance orders for autographs available. You purchase the autographs at the show at each celebs individual tables.
The autograph prices vary because the stars and/or their agents decide what their prices are. We do not know the price of the stars’ autographs before the show.
Weapons Policy
Any real weapon that could cause physical harm may not be brought into the show. Please show us your creativity.
No. In order to assure a safe environment for everyone, we no longer permit weapons of any kind at the show.
In order to assure a safe environment for everyone, we no longer permit real weapons of any kind at the show. Lightweight plastic fake weapons are allowed but we are not permitted to allow into the show any type of weapon that could cause any harm to our attendees. Final decision on all Cosplay props are done by Convention Center security staff at their sole discretion.
Other Questions
Although we don’t prohibit strollers, we strongly encourage you not to bring them. The con gets very crowded and maneuvering with a stroller is very difficult and not recommended.
The best way to communicate with us is via email. We check Facebook when we can but email is the easiest way to reach us.